Grief Education

Grief will always be a part of life. 

Yet we are barely taught or learn how to navigate it. 

The messages we get sent by our westernized society are to do it fast, show some emotion, but not too much, and check it off like it’s some to-do list. 

I am here to tell you it is not and will never be like that, no matter how hard we try to fit into that box, each person will have a deeply personal and unique experience with grief and loss. 

“When you are grieving for the thing you’ve got, it's called praise.

And when you are praising the thing you lost, it's called grief.”

- Martin Prechtel

Did you know?

  • Your grief does not need a timeline

  • You can honor your loss and yourself without guilt

  • You can learn to advocate for yourself and your grief

  • You can grow your capacity for feeling and create emotional freedom 

  • You can hold both the darkest depths of grief and the brightness of love at the same time

  • Your grief does not and should not need to look a certain way or like anyone else's

  • You can rebuild 

  • You will know who you are again

  • You will laugh and love again 

  • You can trust yourself again

  • You will enjoy life again


I am currently not taking on new clients at this time.

Please check back soon for when my availability opens up.

The point will never be to end our grief. We can’t end it any easier than we can end our love. But we can exercise it, schedule it and companion it.

Common Questions

What if my loss is not as “big” as someone else's? 

This is a common myth we can cover, but no one's loss is bigger or smaller than anyone else’s. We will cover what I call “grief comparison” and how to get out of it. No matter what kind of loss and grief you are experiencing my coaching will help you understand how to navigate each loss differently and uniquely to you.  

Will this help me get over my loss and grief?

NO, unfortunately, it will not, mainly because loss is something that will always occur in life. It can help you understand your own needs when it comes to grief and create a personalized plan, no matter what the loss is or what you are grieving.

What’s the difference between Grief Education and therapy and how do I know what I need? 

This is not therapy nor am I a therapist. If you are having major problems functioning in daily life due to your loss and grief, or are suicidal, I urge you to find a therapist asap or call the national suicide hotline: 800-273-8255. Many of my clients work with me as well as a therapist. If you are also having any unresolved trauma arise due to your loss and it’s majorly affecting you, I also urge you to work with a therapist. Grief Education is a great compliment to therapy as I teach concepts about grief and loss. 

Questions? Reach me at